Monday, December 10, 2018

December Newsletter

A Look into 4th Grade-December

Here is a look at what we are working on and what is coming

We are currently working on our third unit, Little Things are Big:
Making Meaning of Poems. In this unit, students will read a
variety of poems paying attention to moods, sounds, word
choice, and images. They will notice how elements in the parts of
a poem work together to create meaning. They will transfer
knowledge of word choice, figurative language, and imagery
across texts.

We are currently working on our third unit, Poetry. This unit will
allow the young writer the freedom to experiment with physical
space on the page, to savor the sound of the words they are
writing and think of them as drum beats, and, above all, to make
universal meaning out of close observations, thoughts, and
questions about the world and personal experience. These rich
experiences will provide our students the opportunity to read
and create poetry focusing on language, form, emotion, and

All three classes are coming to the end of their second units.
Study guides will be sent home soon, and we hope to test before

Winter Break!

Image result for snowman clipart

January Newsletter

A Look into 4 th Grade-January Here is a look at what we are working on and what is coming next. Reading: We are beginning on our...