Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Winter Break News

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We all know how important reading is, so it is important to maintain good reading habits even on a break. Today, your 5th grader came home with a decorated Ziplock bag containing a choice book, a self-selected goal, and their Winter Reading Challenge!  The Challenge has your 5th grader choose at least 10 different marshmallow reading challenges from their Reading Challenge sheet. Students are encouraged to post a picture of themselves on Google Classroom to encourage reading and discussion about books!  Once they complete the challenge, they should glue it to the mug on their task sheet. Finally, they should decorate their mug in a creative way!

The Winter Reading Challenge was designed to get your 5th grader to spend time relaxing, reading books, magazines, ebooks, and/or audiobooks. I talked about the importance of having a purpose for reading. Students have chosen a reading goal that they feel they need to focus on. Their goal sheets have their goal is written at the top and a strategy with direction to help them achieve their goal. The reading challenge sheet has a mug for students to decorate and on each of the marshmallows is an activity to do while reading. Ex: read while sitting next to the fireplace, read a magazine, or read next to a tree, etc. The challenge is not a requirement, but more of a fun activity to do while reading over break.

When we come back from break, we will be celebrating all of the reading we all did over break. This will take place on Friday, January 5th. Some of the celebrations choices we have come up with are: reading in PJs, reading with flashlights, read to stuffed animals or a combination of all of them :)!!

*** Supplies needed for the new year***:
~Expo Markers

See you all in the New Year!

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